better blog....


Well, I thought i might post something other wise A_H_EE will get angry again!!! Scary/Kowai A-Ophile.

Going to school today, i saw a kangaroo hopping down Blackburn Rd.. something you don't see everyday.. it scared everyone .. including people at the bus stop, the lollipop lady and of course the cars that had to stop and slow down.. but that kangaroo was fast in escaping into a street.

This morning our "mighty" blog leader: G-Ophile found out she got short listed for SRC. CONGRATS!... well that also meant she had to give a speech, which she practised (kind of) in general (1st period). She didn't get much done though due to Janice's blabbering. Well best of luck Gwen!!!... Hope you get it..

I can't believe that for the next 3 weeks, we won't be able to leave early on Fridays!!! It's not fair!!!! 2 Assemblies and an english outcome period 4 ... *sigh*

When I got home today, first thing i noticed was that my cds have arrived!!!! Hooray!!!! and my SJ-M poster!!! it's so big! :P. Then, i realised that there was a car park in our driveway. There was no one in the car.. so i thought i'll just pass quickly and get into the house..just in case.. since home alone and all.. Turns out they were fixing something under the house of the unit in front of our house...Though the driveway is ours they used it as it was more convienient to get their tools that way... But blocking the way and all.. *sigh* Don't like being home alone.. :( want siblings!!!! Want a older brother!!!!! any volunteers??? jk jk jk..

I've also found a new phone i want! The LG chocolate phone!!!! buy for me someone??

By the way Ash.. to post a video.. You gotta find the embedded code and paste it in the "edit Html". You probably still don't know how.. for tuturial, ask Gwen. Though this is short, but i still posted.. yeh???

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